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Why should we hire you?

Are you the best candidate for the job? Be prepared to say why you're the applicant who should be hired. This is not the time to be modest (although neither should you be conceited). Make your response a confident, concise, focused sales pitch that explains what you have to offer the employer, and why you should get the job. This is another good time to review the qualifications and the requirements in the job listing, so you can craft a response that aligns with what the interviewer is looking for.


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What is your greatest strength?

This is one of the questions that employers almost always ask. When you are asked about your greatest strengths, it's important to discuss the attributes that will qualify you for the specific job and set you apart from the other candidates. Take the time before the job interview to make matches between your qualifications and the requirements as stated in the job announcement. This way, you will have examples ready at hand to demonstrate your suitability for the job.



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What is your greatest weakness?

Another typical question interviewers will ask is about your weaknesses. Do your best to frame your answers around positive aspects of your skills and abilities as an employee, turning seeming “weaknesses” into strengths. For example, you might say something like, “I’ve always struggled with perfectionism – I truly want to do the job correctly the first time, but this sometimes means that I devote more time to a project than is necessary. I’ve learned to balance this drive with the equally important responsibility of meeting deadlines.”


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